Desert Yamabushi 砂漠山伏

Training for Today in the Ancient Way

  • No Excuses

    No Excuses

    We live in a time, especially after 2020, where the world is hyper-connected. Websites, virtual programs, and connections are far more robust than any time every before. Basically, now you have no excuse. If you are producing or creating something, you need to rise to the top and connect with people. If you are consuming…

  • 牡蠣の殻 


    The Oyster Shell by Kambara Ariake (1876-1952), from The Poetry of Living Japan An oyster in his shellLives in a boundless sea,Alone, precarious, limited,How miserable his thoughts . . . Unseeing and unhelped,He sleeps behind a sheltering rock.But in his wakeful moments he must senseThe ebb and flow of the infinite deep. Though the turning tide at…

  • How do you train?

    How do you train?

    When people see me what do they see? They see an outward representation of someone they might not fully understand. We have categories of analysis to describe the outward representations, some of which people dedicate their entire lives to understanding. For many, they are never able to get beyond the outward representations. I’ve met many…

  • There are always obstacles

    What is your Koan for the week?

  • The Five Remembrances

    The Five Remembrances

    One should recite these every day:

  • Recovering


    After an big event I like to take a period of recovery. I don’t change my schedule, or the energy that I approach life with, but I change focus. Rather than a morning run, it is sitting in silence. Rather than extra calories, it is a cup of tea. Like the changing seasons, my habits…